What do you think is romantic? When a boy gives you a flower, or when he shoots for you flower at a shooting range on a pilgrimage? I`m the type that likes any kind of romantic surprise and I don`t care what it is. Just every surprise is a surprise to me. I don`t have a boyfriend at the moment and I`m quite sad about it. The last time I was in a relationship ended in a breakup and I took it very hard. And then I didn`t trust any boy anymore. The last one I had a relationship with cheated on me. And I found out about it completely by accident. And I rather didn`t even want to know at the time.


I thought I was going crazy. Infidelity is something I just can`t get over. And it doesn`t matter if the boy does it once or a hundred times. It`s still infidelity and some still can`t come to terms with it. And I just think that infidelity can completely destroy a relationship. I remember how I felt then – completely humiliated and like I was the worst woman in the world. Only later did I realize that I`d rather wait for someone who will respect me or not be in a relationship at all. Even so, it`s just about those two people. If they communicate with each other, they have respect and esteem for each other.


And I think that if one loves the other, he would not be able to cheat on him in life. I wouldn`t be able to cheat on someone I love. I can`t even imagine it. I`ve been through so many bad relationships that you start to appreciate every little thing that the other person does for you. And I`m really talking about complete little things – just the fact that the other person remembers you when you have a holiday or birthday. And he doesn`t have to give you overpriced gifts again, it`s really enough if he remembers and shows his love to you. Although this does not mean that he cannot give you any gift. If he gives it to you and is attentive, that`s a big plus for him. And only time will show if he is the right one.

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